Parking & Accessibility

St. Luke's is located on the corner of 3rd and B Streets in Galt. Unmetered street parking is available on a first-come basis in the front of the church on 3rd Street and along the side of the church on B Street. A ramp is available at the main church entrance on 3rd Street for those with limited mobility. If you require any help entering or exiting the church, please do not hesitate to ask a greeter and we will assist you.

Large-print service bulletins and printed copies of most sermons are available with at least 48 hours notice prior to your visit. If you require these materials, please use the "Contact Us" form and indicate which materials you need and the date of your planned visit.

All services are currently conducted in spoken American English. If you have proficiency in other languages, particularly Spanish, and are interested in exploring how we can incorporate those languages into our worship, please speak to Senior Warden Mark McMillen.

When You Arrive

As you enter St. Luke's, you will be met by a greeter who will offer you a service bulletin and a copy of the Scripture readings appointed for the day. If you contacted us to request large print or supplementary written materials such as the sermon, please let the greeter know. Your bulletin will assist you in following along with what is happening during worship.

As you settle into a pew, you'll notice a variety of books in front of you, including The Hymnal 1982 (a larger red or blue book with the title embossed on the cover), and the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (a smaller red or black book with a cross embossed on the cover). These are used at every service at St. Luke's. For more information about the Book of Common Prayer, see the related page in the "About" section. 

You may notice that the church is rather quiet when you arrive. Some of our members like to pray or spiritually center themselves before we begin the service. You'll find us a lot more talkative and curious during the sharing of the peace and at the end of the service!

The church bell rings out to let us know that the service is beginning, and all are invited to stand as they are able for the procession.

During Your Visit

If you have spent time in a Roman Catholic, Lutheran, or Eastern Orthodox church before, many of the elements of our liturgy will be familiar to you. If not, don't worry! You are invited to participate in the litugy as much as is comfortable for you. You are also welcome to simply listen to it said and sung by the worshippers around you if that is your preference. No matter your choice, our worship is enriched simply by your presence here.

Near the top of your bulletin you will find a heading that tells you how we will be worshipping that day. This heading will say either "Morning Prayer" or "Holy Eucharist." 

Morning Prayer usually occurs on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, and is led by a layperson. Holy Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper) usually occurs on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, and is led by a visiting priest.

Both of these services will include readings from Scripture and communal prayer, and will also usually include a sermon and the singing of hymns. The primary focus of Holy Eucharist however is sharing in the gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in bread and wine. All baptized Christians are invited to partake in these gifts. If you have not been baptized, we still encourage you to join us at the altar to receive a blessing. If you are interested in being baptized, please share this with the worship team during your visit or reach out using the "Contact Us" form. We would love nothing more than to help you take the next steps in your journey with Jesus Christ. 

To learn more about the services of Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist, please click on the event in the Calendar.