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Join us as we embark on a 15-week journey through Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Schobe. This book guides us chapter by chapter through the Book of Common Prayer and explains in understandable, relatable ways how the prayer book shapes our spiritual practices, beliefs, and traditions as Episcopalians. Walk In Love is perfect for those seeking an accessible introduction to the faith. It also offers tidbits of wisdom and opportunities for reflection that will enrich lifelong Episcopalians too.

We will be meeting in the parish hall after service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from April 28th to November 24th to share our thoughts about the reading. All are welcome to join us, even if you just want to sit and listen to the conversation. If you would like to join in the book study at any point, please speak to Mark McMillen.