Easter Sunday marks the culmination of Holy Week with the exuberant celebration of Christ's resurrection from the dead, whereby Christ destroyed the power of death and the grave for ever. As such, it is the most important day in the Christian year, and the most joyous. Our sanctuary is filled with flowers symbolizing the new life rising from death, hymns of triumph and celebration are sung, and the "Alleluia"--which was banished from our liturgical vocabulary during Lent--makes a glorious return in prayer and song.
A light luncheon is provided in the parish hall following service, and children are invited to participate in our egg hunt on the church grounds. All visitors on Easter Sunday are invited to bring bells or similar noisemakers which we will use to "ring in" the announcement that Christ is risen. Visitors are also invited to bring a flower or two should they like to participate in the traditional decoration of our Easter cross.
This year, the Easter Eucharist at St. Luke's will be celebrated by our special guest, the Rt. Rev. Megan Traquair, Bishop of Northern California.